Tapi, aku undur.
Mungkin malam ini, aku berfikir, aku waras.
Entah untuk berapa lama, aku kurang pasti.
Manusia tidak pernah puas.
Tidak pernah puas dengan apa yang mereka miliki.
Tapi aku cuma tutup mata aku,
Dan berjalan menjauhi api.
Instead, I went for dinner with a friend.
Persoalan yang berlegar-legar di otak aku, aku ketepikan.
Kawan baik aku baru ditinggalkan oleh teman wanitanya, of SEVEN YEARS.
Talk about that unlucky number.
Aku: Kenapa?
Dia: She doesn't love me anymore.
Aku: Just like that?
Dia: Yes. Just like that.
Aku hirup kopi aku.
Aku: Then? How?
Dia: I don't know.
I can see his defeated face.
Dia: How did you get through it?
Aku toleh ke tepi.
Pandang dia kembali.
Aku senyum.
Aku: You'll get over it. Mula-mula you akan sedih, kemudian you kecewa, then you start to feel angry, then you'll hate her, then you stop caring. Then you move on.
Dia: How long?
Aku: Couple years, tops. Keep yourself busy.
Dia: How?
Aku: Find a new girlfriend.
Dia: But I don't have a new girlfriend.
Aku capai handphone dia,
Delete number ex-girlfriend dia.
Aku capai wallet dia,
Buang gambar ex-girlfriend dia.
Aku: You do now. I'll be your temporary girlfriend. I'm your support system.
So, that's how I got myself a temporary boyfriend.
That's what best friends are for, RIGHT?
Before we left, I texted BumbleBeeto say goodnight.
Dia: "You, sms BumbleBee (eh tipu la dia panggil BumbleBee, tetapi dalam belog, nama sebenar kita sorok kan) ke? Mana boleh sms BumbleeBee when you're with me. I'm your boyfriend kan?"
Eh, eh, lebih-lebih pulak dia.
I pon takde girlfriend juga.. camne?
yeah, what abt me?
I waited longer!
me first!
you dalam category ex boyfriend
bukan temporary boyfriend
hahahahahahaha :P
Xul: I dah nak settle you dengan my 'friend' yg U 'interested' in tu, tapi tak jua make urself available ;)
Im: I feel like a pimp. LOL
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