Wednesday, October 28, 2009

He said, "Are we getting Power Rangers today?"

Aku terlalu sibuk dengan kerja (dan hal ehwal semasa),
sehingga tiada masa langsung untuk bersama si Kecil.

I came back from work early today,
he didn't even bother to leave his Nintendo Wii to hug me.

I said, "Give me a kiss."
And he said, "Give me Power Rangers."


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Siapa kata aku tidak boleh jadi surirumah yang berjaya?

Even the Little Monster agrees ;)

Suami pulang dari kerja, aku terus hidang biskut butterscotch.
Comel, bukan?
********** Cookies are the new cupcakes.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Costume Party

I am so excited because the Little Monster is 5 today

& we will throw him a HALLOWEEN party next weekend!

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Flashback: First Time Aku Rasa Lelaki Itu Layak Untuk Di Sukai

I had my first crush when I was Standard 6.
Nama dia Mohd Hazrat Hakimi.

I don't know how I can still remember his name, I just do.
Mohd Hazrat Hakimi.

Aku kelas 6 Kekwa.
Dia kelas 6 Cempaka.
Kelas kami opposite each other.

Aku memang seorang yang loser, selalu akan pergi cross-over ke 6 Cempaka untuk meminjam penyapu, eventhough it was NOT even my turn to sweep the bloody class.
(Hahahahaha korang ingat tak zaman sekolah, penyapu tak cukup, jadi kita kena pinjam class lain?)

Sebenarnya aku tidak berapa ingat KENAPA aku suka kepada Mohd Hazrat Hakimi (perlu ke type nama penuh ni?),
tetapi kenapa sampai sekarang aku masih ingat kepada Mohd Hazrat Hakimi?

"Is because what I did back in Standard 6 to get his attention; to actually show him I was this cool chick."

Kami sama tuisyen.
Cikgu Tuisyen selalunya akan pick-up Mohd Hazrat Hakimi (aku suka type nama penuh dia) terlebih dahulu, kemudian akan ke rumah aku untuk pick-up aku pula.

Jadi, aku tunggu di rumah.
Bukan tunggu bersahaja, tetapi aku tunggu di atas pokok.
(Iya, kau bayangkan seorang gadis pendek di atas pokok bersama buku Tuisyen dan sandal Bata)

Rumah aku ada pokok.
Aku panjat pokok itu, tunggu van Cikgu Tuisyen yang datang dengan Mohd Hazrat Hakimi.

Sebaik sahaja Cikgu Tuisyen itu tiba dengan Mohd Hazrat Hakimi in the van,
aku melompat gaya stunt-man turun dari pokok,
dan aku ingat lagi, dengan muka bersahaja, aku masuk ke dalam van,
sambil kata, "SSSuup" kepada Mohd Hazrat Hakimi.

Aku pun kurang pasti, adalah itu pengaruh televisyen, ataupun aku memang plain sick?, kerana aku benar-benar percaya bahawa jika aku panjat pokok dan terjun gaya macho, ia akan menarik minat Mohd Hazrat Hakimi.
(Hahaha Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa aku ini)

Jadi, what happened to Mohd Hazrat Hakimi, you might ask?

Well, he NEVER spoke to me, not even a word.

Hahahaha thank you.

(Mohd Hazrat Hakimi, if you are reading this, please admit that it was kind of cool looking at me jumping from that tree, so that I can rest in peace)

****** Sejak hari itu, aku berjanji kepada diri aku, supaya tidak menanam pokok di rumah. For my kid's sake.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I rasa Zac Efron tu cute, so?

*** Cubaan untuk mencium Qis on her Engagement day.



Penat aku mengambil gambar jejaka Playboy ini.

Iya, tugas aku: Photographer.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Berdiri di bawah Cahaya Matahari

Mama selalu pesan, nak buat baju sendiri, jangan lupa buat 'lining'.
******** Akibat mahu jadi cool, tak mahu dengar pesanan Mama. 

Reservation Only

They say a picture tells a thousand words.
(And I give you 3)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Stud Shoes

Today, during my training session,
I was told, I am just like a CEO of a company worth USD $50million.

As a CEO,
this was what I did last week.
I must be the most glamourous CEO, ever.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Old & Grumpy


Yeay! Chocolate fountain!

Merengue biscuit.
"Ah, now why you look so boring? "
My version of the Merengue biscuit is way nicer, no?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Photographer Story

He said, "Look me in the eye & tell me the truth. Your eyes won't lie."

And I looked.
In my heart, I thought to myself, my eyes, (yes, they will tell you), that I still love you & don't love you anymore.

Depends on; if you choose to read from the left or the right eye.

***** Yes, the eyes won't lie, but we have pair of them; so pick a side.